Page 44 INDEX

 The Touch Switch has a number of very interesting features. In this section we will discuss them in detail. 

Go to previous page to see the circuit working

Transistors Q2 and Q3 are connected together in a very special way. They form a single transistor with a very high gain and very high input impedance. 

The diagrams above show two transistors connected as a SUPER ALPHA PAIR. The first diagram is taken directly from the TOUCH SWITCH circuit and the second is re-arranged slightly to show the standard SUPER ALPHA layout. 
You can think of the two transistors as a single transistor. They behave exactly like a single transistor except the only difference is the turn-on voltage. It must be 0.6v + 0.6v = 1.2v as the two base-emitter junctions are "on top of each other."
The other important feature of this arrangement is  the high input impedance. 
Normally, the input impedance of a common-emitter transistor is about 2k to 5k. When two transistors are connected in a super-alpha arrangement, the input impedance is 200k to 500k. 
What does this mean?
The best way to describe this feature is via the time-delay circuit discussed on page 29. When a capacitor is charging, current (energy) is being fed to it via a resistor. If we place a monitoring device across the capacitor, some of the energy from the resistor will flow into the monitoring device and the capacitor will not charge at the same rate (It will take longer to charge). 
If we need to monitor the voltage across the capacitor (to detect when it reaches a certain value - to end a time-delay, for example) we need to place a very light load across the capacitor. 
The super-alpha arrangement is ideal for this. It imposes a very light load on the time-delay circuit. (You will need to place a resistor between the time-delay circuit and the super-alpha transistor so that the capacitor will charge above 1.2v (the base-emitter junction voltage of the super-alpha transistor). 
The high input impedance of the super-alpha transistor is needed so that the circuit will detect a finger across two touch plates. 
A finger pressing on two plates presents a resistance to the circuit and will allow current to flow.  Depending on the moisture content and pressure applied, the resistance can be as low as 30k or as high as 1M. To get reliable operation, the circuit must be able to detect a high resistance and thus a very high gain stage is required. 
Transistors Q2 and Q3 form a single stage with a gain of at least 100 x 100 = 10,000 and thus an input current of as little as 1uA (1 micro-amp) will allow a current as high as 10mA to flow in the collector-emitter circuit. 
The animation below shows exactly how the super-alpha arrangement works. As soon as the voltage on the base rises above 1.2v, the "top" transistor will allow current to flow into the base. The transistor is a CURRENT AMPLIFIER and it allows about 100 times this current to flow in its collector-emitter circuit. 
At the beginning of the cycle, the lower transistor "sees" the upper transistor as a very high resistance and it is not turned on. 
When the "upper" transistor is turned on, the lower transistor sees it as a low value resistor (a resistance of about 30k to 100k) and it is turned ON. 
The circuit sees the lower transistor as a very low resistance (about 1k) and if the supply voltage is 9v, the current flow through the collector-emitter circuit would be 9mA. But a 4k7 resistor has been included in this circuit to limit the current less than 2mA. 
This current is sufficient to drive the output transistor into full saturation to turn ON the lamp. 

The output transistor is the PNP equivalent of the COMMON EMITTER STAGE. It's an up-side-down NPN common emitter arrangement. 

Once you know how an NPN common emitter arrangement works, the same features apply to the PNP version. It's essential to have knowledge of these two "BUILDING BLOCKS" so you can select the appropriate one for the circuit you are designing. 
This is how you decide which circuit to use:
If the voltage into the stage is rising, use an NPN output stage. 
If the voltage into the stage is falling, use a PNP output stage. 
Referring to the circuit above, when the base if 0.7v below rail voltage, the transistor turns ON.
A resistor placed between base and 0v rail will make the base voltage 0.7v lower than rail voltage and the transistor will turn ON. 
The current through the base resistor will be multiplied about 100 times by the transistor and this current will flow in the collector-emitter circuit (depending on the value of the LOAD. The value of the LOAD can reduce this value - it cannot increase it above the maximum value specified above).

Question 161: Describe the super-alpha pair:

Question 162: What base voltage is required on a super-alpha pair to turn it ON?

Question 163: Name 2 features of the super-alpha pair:

Question 164: If each transistor in a super alpha arrangement has a gain of 70, what is the total gain?

Question 165: Describe the feedback path in the Touch Switch circuit:

Question 166: What is the purpose of the 1k resistor in the Touch Switch circuit?

Question 167: What is the purpose of the 4k7 resistor in the Touch Switch circuit?

Question 168: When the Touch Switch circuit is ON, and the finger is removed, what keeps the circuit ON?

Question 169: When the Touch Switch circuit is ON, how does Q1 turn it OFF?