5x7 Display Testing Page2

The 5 VIRTUAL SCREEN files are: 11h, 12h, 13h, 14h, and 15h.

 Test4 scans the LEDs slowly so you can see the scanning. To increase the scan rate so the screen appears as a "chequer-board," delete the two instructions in the delay routine. 
 To obtain the value for each "Ghost file," you need to know the hex value for each LED.  The bottom LED has a value of 01. The next LED: 02, 04, 08, 10, 20, 40. To combine two or more LED you must add their hex values.
For instance, the two bottom LEDs have a combined value of 03. The lowest 3 LEDs have a combined value of 01 + 02 + 04 = 07.  The lowest 4 LEDs: 08 + 04 + 02 + 01 = 0F
For the chequer-board effect, the values are 55h and 2Ah
















The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Test 4. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Tst4-5x7.hex   


The 5x7 Display can display running messages. Even though the "window" is only large enough for one letter to be displayed at a time, the words can still be read. 
Remember, this project is just a starting point. Its concepts can be expanded to any size and shape. For the RUNNING SIGN Routine, data in table1 is loaded into 5 Ghost locations (11h, 12h, 13h, 14h, 15h) and this data is displayed on the screen. One byte is transferred at a time from the table and loaded into the Ghost section. A routine then outputs the five locations to the screen. 
The data in the Ghost section is then shifted one place to the left and a new byte loaded into the 5th location (15h). 
This gives the effect of a message scrolling across the screen, from right to left. The message supplied with the project is: TE MOVING SIGN, but this can be altered to any message by changing the data in Table1. To work out the value of each column of LEDs, the individual HEX values are added together.
The program looks for "FF" and repeats the message.

         RUNNING SIGN for 5x7 Display
             ;Program for PIC16F84 and only F84 chip
             ;Takes data from Table1 and runs it across the screen

 Start ORG 0x00             ;This sets up the ports 
          BSF 03,5
          MOVLW 00h
          MOVWF 05h
          MOVWF 06h
          BCF 03,5
          GOTO Run1

              ;Table1  holds the hex values for each column of LEDs

 Table1 ADDWF 02h,1         ;Add W to Program Counter
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 49h
             RETLW 49h
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 3Fh
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 3Fh
             RETLW 40h
             RETLW 3Fh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 3Eh
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 3Eh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 70h
             RETLW 0Eh
             RETLW 01h
             RETLW 0Eh
             RETLW 70h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 10h
             RETLW 0Ch
             RETLW 02h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 3Eh
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 45h
             RETLW 45h
             RETLW 36h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 32h
             RETLW 49h
             RETLW 49h
             RETLW 49h
             RETLW 26h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 3Eh
             RETLW 41h
             RETLW 45h
             RETLW 45h
             RETLW 36h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 10h
             RETLW 0Ch
             RETLW 02h
             RETLW 7Fh
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 00h
             RETLW 0FFh

 Run1      CLRF 11h           ;Clear the Ghost locations ready for starting 
               CLRF 12h
               CLRF 13h
               CLRF 14h
               CLRF 15h
               MOVLW 00
               MOVWF 19h      ;File 19h is the jump value for table
 Run2     MOVLW 40h
               MOVWF 18h      ;File 18h counts the number of scans
               CALL Shift         ; and controls the "run speed"
               INCF 19h,1
               MOVF 19h,0      ;Put jump value into W 
               CALL Table1
               MOVWF 15h      ;W contains table data - put it in 15h
               XORLW 0FFh     ;If table value is FF, 
               BTFSC 03,2        ; bit 2 of file 3 will be SET (=1)
               GOTO Run1       ;Start Table1 again
 Run3     DECFSZ 18h,1    ;Scan the display 40h times
              GOTO Run4
              GOTO Run2
 Run4     CALL Scan
              GOTO Run3

 Scan    BSF 05,1               ;Reset 4017
             BCF 05,1

            MOVF 11h,0           ;Output the data at the 5 Ghost
            MOVWF 06h           ; locations to the display
            CALL DelD
            MOVF 12h,0
            MOVWF 06h
            CALL DelD
            MOVF 13h,0
            MOVWF 06h
            CALL DelD
            MOVF 14h,0
            MOVWF 06h
            CALL DelD
            MOVF 15h,0
            MOVWF 06h
            CALL DelD

       ;SHIFT moves the data one place to the left to give the "movement"
       ;  effect on the screen

 Shift    MOVF 12h,0         ;Move file 12h to W
            MOVWF 11h         ;Move W to file 11h
            MOVF 13h,0         ;Move file 13h to W
            MOVWF 12h         ;Move W to file 12h
            MOVF 14h,0         ;Move file 14h to W
            MOVWF 13h         ;Move W to file 13h
            MOVF 15h,0         ;Move file 15h to W
            MOVWF 14h         ;Move W to file 14h

 DelD   DECFSZ 1Bh,1      ;Delay for viewing the 
           GOTO DelD            ; column of LEDs
           MOVLW 00h
           MOVWF 06
           Clk BSF 05,0           ;Clock the 4017 to
           NOP                        ; the next output
           BCF 05,0


The block of numbers below is the HEX file for Running Sign. Copy and paste it into a text program such as TEXTPAD or NOTEPAD and call it: Running1.hex   

The next step adds buttons to the program. Go to Testing Page3