Complete list of Books,
Components and Kits
from Talking Electronics

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1. Click HERE to create an email.
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          price, including postage.

Digital Course:
The Australian Digital Electronics Course
             Lessons 1 - 6  DECL1-6   $184.00

Books and CD:
CD - Talking Electronics Interactive CD -contains
       the complete website, Basic Electronics course,
       PIC Programming course and MORE!    $10.00

14 FM Bugs to Build    $25.00

 5 More FM Bugs    $5.40
 BD 679 Projects    $5.40
 CMOS Data Book    $4.80
 Cover Projects    $6.00
 Digital Electronics Revealed    $7.20
 Electronics for Model Railways-1    $5.50
 Electronics for Model Railways-2    $5.50
 Electronics Notebook 1 with Starting in TTL    $7.20
 Electronics Notebook 2    $6.00
 Electronics Notebook 3    $6.00
 Electronics Notebook 4    $6.00
 Electronics Notebook 5    $6.00
 Electronics Notebook 6    $6.00
 Learning Electronics Book 1    $5.40
 Learning Electronics Book 2    $5.50
 Smart Security Devices Book 1    $5.50
 Talking Electronics Issue 1    $5.40

Alarm components:
12v 1.2Ah Gel Cell Battery BAT-GC1212   $32.20
12v 3Ah Gel Cell Battery  BAT-GC1230  $36.80
12v 6.5Ah Gel Cell Battery  BAT-GC1265  $51.75
16vAC 1.5A Plug Pack  PP-1615  $28.20
8 Ohm 10 Watt Horn Speaker  C-HS8R10  $20.70
Piezo Tweeter  C-PT1   $13.80
Blue Strobe  SA-BS1  $37.40
Wall Mount Panic Button  SA-PB1  $4.60
Passive Infra-red Detector  SA-PIR1  $69.00
Reed Switch N/O & N/C  SA-RS1  $9.20
Reed Switch N/C with cable cover  SA-RS2  $9.20
Siren Cover  SA-SC1  $36.80
Smoke Detector   SA-SD1  $16.10
SPST Key Switch  SW-KS1  $10.35
Figure 8 Security Cable per metre   W-F81M  0.60
4 Core Security Cable per metre  W-SC4M   0.90
6 Core Security Cable per metre  W-SC6M  $1.40

Air Horn  K-AH1  $15.65
Amoeba K-AMO1  $11.60
Ant K-ANT1 $10.60
Audible Continuity Tester  K-ACT1  $4.65
Automatic AA Ni-Cad Charger  K-AAA1  $13.40
Battery Backed Power Supply Module  K-BBPS1  $19.45
Battery Backed Siren Module (horn speaker)  K-BBSM1S  $14.25
Battery Backed Power Supply Module (1 piezo)  K-BBSM1P  $16.00
Battery Backed Power Supply Module (4 piezos)  K-BBSM4P  $30.25
Beeper Bug  K-BB1  $8.75
Beetle MkII  K-BEET2  $16.25
Beetle MkIII  K-BEET3  $22.90
Breakdown Beacon  K-BB2   $5.50
Capacitance Meter  K-CM1  $18.70
Capacitor Discharge Unit MkI   K-CDU1  $12.55
Capacitor Discharge Unit MkII  K-CDU2  $10.60
Car Tracker K-CT1   $21.15
CD - Talking Electronics CD - contains the whole website  $10.00
Coin Flipper  K-CF1  $8.40
Combination Lock  K-CL1   $12.70
Combo-2  K-COM2   $21.50
Complete Package - Includes built and tested PIC LAB-1,
      Multi Chip Programmer & CD.  CP -LAB-1  $125.00
Continuity Tester - simple  K-CT3   $3.45
Continuity Tester  K-CT2   $13.40
Co-ordinator   K-C001   $10.60
Counter Module K-CM2   $35.40
Courtesy Light Extender   K-CLE1   $5.20
Cricket   K-CRI1   $9.65
Crossing Boom Control   K-CBC1   $22.30
Crossing Expansion    K-CE1   $21.30
Crossing Sound    K-CS2    $17.95 
Crystal Locked Beeper Transmitter   K-CLB1   $24.40
Crystal Locked Bug   K-CLB2    $25.40
Cube Of Sugar Bug   K-COS1   $14.05
Cube Puzzle   K-CP1    $29.25
Current Latch   K-CL2    $6.55
Current Sensor   K-CS1   $14.15
Dedicated Micro Computer MkI   K-DMC1   $60.85
Dedicated Micro Computer MkII   K-DMC2   $63.70
Delay Module   K-DM1   $9.45
Designer PC Board #1    PK-DPCB1   $6.65
Designer PC Board #2   PK-DPCB2    $6.65
Designer PC Board #3   PK-DPCB3   $7.15
Designer PC Board 200 + 640   PK-DPCB4  $7.15
Designer Board Mother Board   PK-DBMB1  $5.70
Designer Board Surface Mount Set   PK-DBSM1  $6.95
Diesel Sound MkI  K-DS1   $16.60
Diesel Sound MkII   K-DS2   $16.60
Diesel Sound 4 Watt   K-DS3   $19.50
Diode Tester   K-DT1   $6.05
Dish Bug   K-DB1   $15.20
Display Board   K-DB2   $7.05
Dual Power Supply K-DPS1  $19.55
Dual Tracking Power Supply K-DTPS1  $27.20
Earwig   K-EAR1   $11.25
Economy Power Supply   K-EPS1   $16.45
Egg Timer   K-ET1   $13.95
8-Pin to 18-Pin Adapter   K-8Pin   $5.40
8 Watt Amplifier   K-8WA1   $16.25
Electrolytic Tester   K-ET508  $25.55
Experimenter Board 1 - 8   K-EB1  $23.50
Experimenter Board Mk 2    PCB   PK-EB2   $5.40
Experimenter Deck 1-10   K-ED1  $28.75
Fibre Optic Display K-FOD1   $11.15
Field Strength Meter MkI   K-FSM1   $10.80
Field Strength Meter MkII   K-FSM2   $16.45
5x7 Display  K-5x7   $59.90
5x7 Electrolytic Tester   K-ET5x7  $25.50
Fluorescent Lamp Inverter    K-FLI1   $9.45
Fluorescent Simulator  K-FS1   $12.10
FM Bug   K-FMB1   $11.60
FM Radio   K-FMR1   $26.05
4 Digit Counter   K-4DC1  $41.05
4 Digit Counter Extras    K-4DC1E   $7.30
4 Sector Input Module    K-4SIM    $33.25
5 Projects (5 projects on one PC board)  $19.15
Glow Plug Power Supply   K-GPP1   $21.05
Gnat  K-GNA1  $10.50
Guitar Practice Amplifier  K-GPA1  $21.70
Guitar Amp Extras   K-GPA1E  $40.25
Hangman   K-HM1   $20.70
Headlight Reminder   K-HR1  $21.35
Hex Train Sensor   K-HTS1   $26.70
Hikers Alarm  K-HA1  $20.35
Infuriator  K-INF1   $6.80
Kitt Scanner  K-KS1  $12.50
Led Dice MkII   K-LD2  $15.10
Led Flasher   K-LF1   $3.10
Led Power Meter  K-LPM1  $1.25
LED Resistors   K-LR1   $5.60
Led Zeppelin   K-LZ1   413.30
Level Crossing   K-LC1  $20.00
Level Crossing Lights   K-LCL1  $6.85
Light Alarm  K-LA1  $14.05
Light Sequencer   K-LS1  $27.60
Logic Designer  K-LD1  $34.60
Logic Probe   K-LP1   $19.55
Logic Pulser   K-LP2   $22.75
LoPIC Probe 12C508A  K-LP508   $22.65
LoPIC Probe 16F84   K-LP508   $25.50
Lotto Selector   K-LS1  $27.10
Matrix Board 15 x 40   PK-MB1540  $2.95
Matrix Board 24 x 25   PK-MB2425  $3.60
Matrix Board 24 x 50   PK-MB2450  $6.30
Micro Bug  K-MB  $14.50
Minefield   K-MIN1  $4.60
Mini Bench Amplifier  K-MBA  $14.55
Mini Frequency Counter   K-MFC1   $30.80
Mini Mixer   K-MM1  $7.00
Mini Tracker  K-MT2   $12.30
Metal Detector K-MD1  $10.00
Motor Speed Controller   K-MSC1   $11.25
Multi Chip Programmer   K-MCP1  $10.20
Serial Cable  K-PSC1  $5.30
Music Colour   K-MC1  $16.45
Nim   K-NIM1  $5.85
Noise-A-Tron   K-NAT  $9.20
Op-Amp Trainer   K-OAT1  $24.50
Output Module (Dedicated Micro)  K-OMD1  $23.25
Pedestrian Crossing   K-PC2  $21.15
Pen Bug Mk III   K-PB3  $14.60
Phaser Gun   K-PG1  $12.20
Phone Ring   K-PR1  $14.95
PIC LAB-1   K-PL1  $49.40
PIC LIC-1  K-PL1 $27.40
PIC12C508A (blank)  IC-508  $8.00
PIC16F84A (blank)  IC-84   $12.00
PIC16F628 (blank)   IC-628   $10.00
Pill Timer   K-PT1   $13.35
Plug Pack Regulator  K-PPR1   $14.15
Power Supply   K-PS1  $19.40
Power Supply, 1 Amp  K-PS2  $11.15
PWM Throttle  K-SPWM1  $26.20
Quick Draw   K-QD1  $7.25
Remote Relay Unit   K-RRU1  $8.10
Robot Beacon - with high bright LEDs  K-BCN1  $29.50
without high bright LEDs  K-BCN-w/o   $22.00
Robo Engine  K-RE  $7.20
Robo Roller K-RR   $15.20
Robot Man   K-RM1   $8.30
Rotating Lights   K-RL1   $10.25
RouLED   K-ROU1   $16.90
Screamer Siren   K-SCR1  $10.05
Serial Cable for Multi-Chip Programmer   K-PSC1  $5.30
Searchlight Adaptor    K-SA2  $5.90
Servo Driver   K-SD1  $15.40
Seven Segment Display    K-SSD1  $19.05
Shop Display Driver   K-SDD1   $14.30
Shop Display Board   PK-SDB1   $7.20
Simple Siren    K-SS1   $8.30
Simplicity Amp   K-SA1   $12.15
Signals    K-SIG1   $19.70
Simple PWM Throttle   K-SPWM1   $26.20
Solar Engine  K-SE  $5.95
Solar Charger  K-SC   $14.50
Spy Bug   K-PA1   $19.55
Square Wave Oscillator  K-SWO1   $8.20
Stereo Amplifier   K-SA3  $46.45
Stereo Mini Mixer (4 channel)   K-SMM1  $41.25
2 Channel Add-on   K-SMM2C  $9.45
2 x Mini Mixer P.C. Board only   PK-SMM1  $5.60
Stereo Pre-Amp   K-SPA1  $22.20
Stereo VU Meter   K-SVU1    $23.10
Strength Tester    K-ST2  $7.55
Sun Eater  K-SE  $7.40
Super Transistor   K-ST1  $1.75
TEC-1D Computer  K-TEC1D   $157.80
       Case to suit   H-CC2  $39.70
Plug Pack to suit   PP-8505  $22.75
TEC Power Supply   K-TPS1  $28.75
TEC Power Supply & Extras Includes all parts,
     P.C. Board, 1 M-2155 transformer,
      power lead, and large case   K-TPS1E   $77.95
TEC Starters Pack 1   K-TECSP1   $230.00
Temperature Meter  K-TM1  $8.35
1mA Panel Meter   PM-1MA   $21.85
2 Amp Power Supply   K-2APS1  $12.15
2 Chip AM Radio   K-2CAM1  $19.30
2-Way Puzzle   K-2WP1   $9.10
3-Input Alarm  K-3IA   $52.90
3v - 15v Tester   K-3V15   $2.55
10 Minute Alarm Timer   K-TMAT   $20.15
Throttle   K-THR1   $18.80
Throttle MkII   K-THR2   $7.60
Tic Tac Toe   K-TTT1  $29.50
Tilt Alarm   K-TA1   $5.75
Touch Puzzle   K-TP1   $10.70
Touch Switch    K-TS1   $5.75
Train Detector    K-TD1   $21.35
Tremolo   K-TRE1   $6.80
TTL Dice   K-TTLD1   $9.65
TTL Trainer Deck   K-TTL1   $37.60
TTL Trainer Deck Instructors   K-TTL2  $48.90
Tunnel Stretcher & Station Signal    K-TS2   $17.10
UHF Remote Switch   K-UHF1  $59.10
Receiver P.C. Board only  PK-UHFR1  $4.20
Transmitter P.C. Board only  PK-UHFT1  $2.65
Ultima   K-ULT1   $15.20
Vox MkII    K-VOX2  $21.45
Vox Bug MkIV   K-VOX4   $25.80
Vox Bug MkV   K-VOX5   $38.20
Voyager MkII   K-VOY2  $12.90
Walk Around Throttle   K-WAT1  $38.20
Wall Bug   K-WB1   $11.60
Warning Lamp Flashing Unit    K-WLFU1   $13.80
Wasp   K-WAS1   $12.30
Water Bug  K-WB2   $14.70
Xenon Speed Controller 4 FET    K-XEN4  $51.40
Xenon Speed Controller 9 FET    K-XEN9  $83.05
1mA Panel Meter   PM-1MA   $21.85
2 Amp Power Supply   K-2APS1  $12.15
2 Chip AM Radio   K-2CAM1  $19.30
2 Channel Add-on   K-SMM2C  $9.45
2 x Mini Mixer P.C. Board only   PK-SMM1  $5.60
2-Way Puzzle   K-2WP1   $9.10
3-Input Alarm  K-3IA   $52.90
3v - 15v Tester   K-3V15   $2.55
4 Digit Counter   K-4DC1  $41.05
4 Digit Counter Extras    K-4DC1E   $7.30
4 Sector Input Module    K-4SIM    $33.25
5 Projects (5 projects on one PC board)  $19.15
5x7 Display  K-5x7   $59.90
5x7 Electrolytic Tester   K-ET5x7  $25.50
8-Pin to 18-Pin Adapter   K-8Pin   $5.40
8 Watt Amplifier   K-8WA1   $16.25
10 Minute Alarm Timer   K-TMAT   $20.15