Page 42 INDEX 

      Take this 5-minute quiz and e-mail it to Colin Mitchell. 
      He will mark it and e-mail it back to you. 
      You can also send a comment or ask a question. 
      But be brief!


Here is some feedback from the answers we have received.  

FEEDBACK is very important. It helps both the pupil and the teacher. 

Take question 3. The candidate correctly answered the question with 0.01u = 10n . 
He then he said 10n = 10,000p. This is correct.
He then said 10,000p = 104. 
This is where a difficulty in description arises. 
10,000p does equal 10 to the fourth power but if you write the answer as 104 it looks like you have written the answer for a SURFACE MOUNT capacitor.  But the marking for a 10n surface-mount capacitor (and also the marking on other types of miniature capacitors - where space on the body is limited) is 103. The candidate meant to write 104

Digits such as 103 and 104 etc should not be brought into this answer as they are "marking values" or "code values" or "code numbers" to identify the value in "p" (also called pF or "puff") and are obtained by writing down the number "10" then counting the remaining zeros. In other words 10n is 10 and three more zeros, to arrive at the value 10,000p.