This course has been prepared for TALKING ELECTRONICS Interactive by Colin Mitchell of Talking Electronics, to teach beginners the practical side of electronics. 

Talking Electronics has been in the field of educational electronics for many years and they have a wide range of electronics kits, both analogue and digital for the hobbyist and experimenter and specialise in teaching HOW A CIRCUIT WORKS and how to get it going, if it doesn't work.

The projects in  5-Projects  are an ideal place to start.  They are simple and teach soldering, assembly, testing and experimenting.  They are all built on a long printed circuit board that is divided into sections. Each project is identified on the board by a white border and a project number. 

Complete construction details are included for each project in this "e-book" as well 
as theory and notes on resistors, capacitors, transistors, the Light Emitting 
Diode (LED) and a number of other essential electronic components. 

Just about everything you need to know is included to get the projects working. 
Each project includes a section on HOW THE CIRCUIT WORKS and getting 
it to work, (if you have difficulties). All this information provides you with an ideal grounding in basic electronics.

A list of components for the 5 projects is shown on page 6 and the 
only other things you will need are: a small soldering iron, some 
fine solder and side cutters. 

This e-book is designed to get you started in the real world of soldering 
and assembly on a printed circuit board. 

If you have not done any soldering before, you should get someone 
to show you how it is done as it is very important to get the actions 
and timing right to make a nice clean, shiny connection without damaging 
the components. 

We have included a page on soldering to assists you but it is always 
best to get someone to show you first hand.


These pages use the building block approach to teach electronics. Simple 
electronic circuits are called building blocks and once you know how 
they work, you will be able to combine two or more to create larger circuits.

The building blocks we are covering are: 
1. The NPN/PNP  high gain amplifier,  
2. The multivibrator (flip flop) and 
3: The oscillator.

There are many other building blocks in electronics and these will be presented in future pages of TALKING ELECTRONICS Interactive.

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