Page 17 INDEX

SUMMARY of the points we have covered: 
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Colour-code Calculator for resistors. 
Functions of a resistor:
        1. To limit the current in a circuit 
        2. To act as a voltage divider         

The Capacitor:
        1. Reading capacitor values
        2. Capacitors in parallel and series

Functions of a capacitor:
        1. To block DC
        2. To pass AC

The LED:
        1.The anode and cathode leads
        2. The characteristic voltage across a LED        

The Transistor:
        1. turn-on voltage
        2. collector-emitter voltage 


The first oscillator circuit we will study is the Multivibrator. This circuit is also called a flip flop as is turns on the left LED then the right LED in a flip, flop action. This is a very interesting circuit and it employs the features we have covered in the previous sections. 

The flip flop circuit is shown above but before we describe how it works, the animation below shows it in operation. The circuit can be used as railway crossing lights or for road-works in a model train layout. 

Even though this circuit looks very simple , it has a lot of features that need explaining. 
When the circuit is first turned on, both capacitors (the capacitors in the circuit are called electrolytics  -  see the section on capacitors and electrolytics) are uncharged and they can be taken out of the circuit as shown in the diagram below to simplify the discussion:   

The two 10k base resistors will turn BOTH transistors on at the same time and due to the slightly different characteristics of the transistors, (their speed of operation), one transistor will "beat the other" and turn on slightly faster. Suppose Q1 turns on faster than Q2. 
Now put the electrolytics back into circuit. The positive end of the 100u electrolytic is connected to the collector of this transistor. At the instant the circuit turns on, the voltage on the collector will be about 0.7v as it cannot rise any higher than the "characteristic" base-emitter voltage of the second transistor and will fall to about 0.3v when the transistor turns on.
This effect is shown in the circuit below with the first transistor turned on fully and the electrolytic keeping the second transistor off. 

The voltage on the base of the second transistor falls from 0.6v to 0.2v and the electrolytic charges in the REVERSE DIRECTION until the base of the second transistor rises to about 0.65v. This is shown in the diagram below:

The second transistor turns on and its collector voltage falls, bringing the second electrolytic towards the 0v rail. This action is shown in the diagram below:

The other end of the second electrolytic is connected to the base of the first transistor and this turns off the first transistor. 
This "change-over" action happens VERY FAST and since the first transistor is turning off, it is raising the left-hand side of the first electrolytic , thus increasing the voltage on the base of the second transistor, (and thus allowing more current to flow into the base) to turn it on HARDER. 
The second electrolytic is now charged in the reverse direction and after a short period of time the first transistor turns on and the cycle is repeated. 
You can think of the two transistor "jumping up and down" in the circuit, raising and lowering the voltage on the collector of each. This effect is shown in the animation below and will help you to understand how the transistors "take it in turn" to illuminate the LEDs. 

Question 69: Name the component that turns the circuit ON.

Ans: One of the 10k base-bias resistors.

Question 70. Why does one of the transistors turn on before the other?

Ans: It has slightly faster characteristics. 

Question 71. Can both transistors turn on at the same time.

Ans: No. One transistor "robs" the other of "turn-on voltage," so only one can be on at a time. 

Question 72. How is the "ON" time determined?

Ans: The ON-time is actually determined by the OFF time of the other state. If the left-hand-side LED is on, the left-hand electrolytic is keeping the right-side LED off and the time it takes this electrolytic to charge and turn the right-hand transistor on, the "Flip" on-time.  

Question 73. How can the frequency of the flashing be increased?

Ans: The value of the electrolytics can be decreased or the base-bias resistors can be decreased. 

Question 74. Can the duty cycle for each side be changed from 50:50?

Ans: Yes. By altering only one electrolytic or resistor, either side can be made to flash for a shorter or longer period of time. 

Question 75. What is the purpose of the 330R resistors?

Ans: Current limiting resistors for the LEDs.



Each side of the flip-flop turns ON very quickly and OFF very quickly and the graph for this is a square wave as shown in the diagram below. 

This type of circuit is called a SQUARE WAVE OSCILLATOR. It is a very important circuit in electronics, especially digital electronics, where all signals are either ON or OFF and no mid-values are allowed. 

Question 76: When the left-hand transistor is off, is the collector high or low?

Ans: HIGH. 

Question 77: Does the collector of the right-hand transistor produce a square wave?

Ans: Yes. The only difference is the output is out-of-phase with the left-hand side. When the left-side is low, the right-side is HIGH. This is shown in the diagram below:

All the signals  in a computer are controlled by a "CLOCK." This is a square wave oscillator similar to the circuit above. A "clock" must oscillate at a very high frequency (1MHz or higher) and by selecting the correct values for the resistors and capacitors that control the "timing" (the 10k resistors and 100u electrolytics in the circuit above) the circuit will oscillate at a high frequency.  

In the next section we  change the values (the R-C values) to increase the frequency and show the result on a CRO.