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In a recent interview with Bill Gates on cable television, I was absolutely appalled to see the program was over 5 years old. Cable TV is supposed to be up-to-date and informative. This was certainly not the case with this interview. In fact the segment was an example of how people try to bring down those who have made a success of their lives. In addition, you know you have made a success when the government is also trying to bring you down! In the program, the interviewer made a number of very unflattering comments to Mr Gates and on more than three occasions tried to tell a joke at his expense. He even asked if he knew any "Bill Gates" jokes. He made further crude comments about him being "bribed" 25 cents in his youth to get better marks at school, and being so rich he doesn't even bother to pick up small change on the street. This sort of gutter journalism abhors me, especially when you think how much Bill Gates has given to the world. Although he is one of the richest men in the world, he is still spending time each day keeping Microsoft the leading software company in the world. But money is not everything. His fortune is one of the least considerations on his mind. In fact, he intends to give away nearly all of it in the near future! He already runs a number of charities, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into his two streams of aid:  education and health in some of the pourer countries of the world. But the main point I want to make is this: An enormous amount of criticism about Bill Gates comes from the "Intelligencia"  - including congressmen and lawyers. The very people who are using his software every day! They claim Microsoft is monopolizing the world and they want it "broken up!" When Bill started developing his software some 20 year ago, there where thousands, if not millions of other people who were quite capable of writing software. If these people were so clever, why didn't they get together and bring out their own "operating software?" Not one lawyer or congressman has even begun to develop his or her own program, so it shows they have absolutely no capability AT ALL in the field they are so critical about. If they are not happy with the product on the market, why don't they come up with an improvement? Collectively they have millions of dollars to "do their own thing," and yet nothing has been done. As you can see, they don't have a fraction of the intelligence or capability of Bill Gates. So, what is intelligence? What is capability? How can you measure these two attributes? There are many ways. If you are measuring sporting prowess, the result is a "time issue." If you are measuring parenting, the result is a "well rounded" child. If you are measuring business, the result is a "monetary nature." By the mere worth of Microsoft, you would have to admit it is the most successful software company in the world. But the US government is claiming it is Monopoly. How can the government claim Microsoft to be a monopoly? A "Monopoly" is a situation where you are forced to deal with a single company or entity and all other potential rivals are excluded. This is the sort of situation we have with electricity, gas, water, telephone, postal services, road construction, municipal services, "free education," and so on. Until recently, we did not have a choice for any of these. No-one forced anyone to buy Microsoft products. Why didn't the politicians and lawyers "step in" 20 year ago and provide an alternative? It's simple. Electronics and software designs need to be 100% (or nearly 100%) perfect, for them to operate. Lawyers do not have this capability. After all, they still get paid when they lose a case! They have absolutely no idea what goes into creating anything that actually "works." How many inventions have been produced by "Lawyers?" Why are there so many jokes about how lawyers it take to screw in a light-globe? All they are capable of doing is criticizing others. If I were Bill Gates, I would have the last laugh. I would design the next release of Windows to have a back door that interrogates the internet and causes all computers used by Lawyers and Congressmen to crash, one day before the start of a Microsoft Monopoly trial. This would be "just desserts" for all those who have tried to pull down one of the world's most influential man. It could even go to the extent of wiping any disks or CD's that are inserted into the computer, in an attempt to re-install the data.  But Bill Gates is above this. You could see by the coldness he gave to the jokes and demeaning references made by the interviewer. Bill Gates strength is his ability to gather people around him and achieve a single outcome. I watched a previous documentary of Bill Gates, where he had a gathering of about 19 programmers. They were all casually laying about and he talked to each of them about the section of the program they were dealing with. He understood intimately what each was doing and was guiding them with more ideas. His skill was coordinating the venture. This is something politicians cannot achieve. They are not coordinators. They do not achieve anything in their parliamentary discussions. Name one thing they have achieved in the past 20 years! Look at the health system, the superannuation system, the tax system, education system, death duties, inheritance tax and stamp duty to name a few. Look no further. Enough said. One of Bill's earliest aims in life was to put a computer on every desk in the country. He has achieved this. If volunteer doctors can put a new lens in the eye of a cataract suffer for $8.00, and volunteer doctors can repair a hair-lip or facial surgery for less than $100, why does it cost $5,000 for breast implants? It make you think. Bill Gate's next plan is to rid the world of malaria by injecting hundreds of millions of children with a vaccine. It's a funny world - where people with the most power do the most damage. I bring up the topic of Bill Gates as one of the most influential identities in the world who has changed the world for the better. The computer and the internet has done this. The Guttenberg moveable type is said to be the greatest achievement in the past century. Undoubtedly the single greatest achievement of this century is the internet. And the contribution of Bill Gates has been enormous. If you realise that 80% of Microsoft programs have been pirated, and Bill Gates is worth $160 billion dollars, think of his full worth if everyone had paid their share!!!! It's only when you start to get some of the real facts that you realise this world is an up-side-down technology. Who is keeping it from progressing? The internet exploded because the "powers-that-be" could not prevent it. If almost everything else was not rigidly controlled, it would also explode with improvement. Things like medicine, surgery, justice, etc etc etc. Take electronics. The cost of electronics has fallen every year for the past 10 years and the quality has risen. If it is possible with electronics, why isn't it possible with other items such as medicine, the cost of justice, feeding the world, education and everything else that is still in the hands of the "corrupt." It makes you think, doesn't it!   

Here's an email I received today.  Even if only part of it is true, we are being totally hoodwinked about the oil situation. I have always realised it costs only a few dollars to get oil out of the ground. That's why so many countries are fabulously wealthy. It's a great money-earner. Read the article and let me know what you think . . .

There is no World shortage of Oil, gas or Coal. They are RENEWABLE resources.  Since 1971 known reserves rose by 1,500 million barrels.  In that time we consumed 800 million barrels.*
There are alternatives.

In 1978, the US president ordered that highway speed limits be dropped to 55mph to make the last few drops of scarce oil last as long as possible. Idiot universities, run by idiot professors, were handing out idiot degrees to idiot students who would regurgitate the phony story of the World Energy Crisis. They got degrees, and moved on to teach a new generation of idiots. That generation of idiots has given us today's current affairs commentators. Now dozy Australians are tamely paying whatever oil giants demand. RENEWABLE Oil and Coal don't come from decayed matter. There is no chemical relationship between the hydrocarbons in black coal and those in vegetation or dinosaur bodies. Brown coal is different. It is from decayed vegetable matter (peat, etc.)  On 27 October 2005 Exxon Mobil reported a quarterly jump in third quarter profit of 75% to (US)$9,920,000,000. The quarterly revenue of the Irving (Texas) company was greater than the annual gross domestic product of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.  It is more profitable to create a shortage than find a new oilfield. (See Legit Gov Org)

Oil and gas are condensates from the magma (the earth's molten core). Nearly all fields are being topped up from below. The top-up process is known as Abiotic Oil. Many fields considered "exhausted" have come to life again. The Yates field in Texas is a prime example. Such fields stop flowing when the source of in-flowing oil from below becomes blocked as a paper filter becomes clogged and impregnable.  Nature finds another path and the oil field can be tapped  again. Russia is a now a big oil producer because they understand the process and drill at depths better than 30,000 feet (9,000 metres). Coal too is unlimited and renewable. It is driven of the magma (molten core of the earth). It comes up as gas, is trapped, condenses, and by a chemical- bacterial process changes to oil and eventually to coal. The bacterial change is an observable process. At Laverton (Vic), in the RAAF, we had a Fuel Section dedicated to solving the problem of aircraft fuel tanks and underground tanks. We grew the various contaminants in glass tanks. Huge grotesque black shapes grew in those tanks (as they did in aircraft tanks). They did no harm in glass tanks but, when they broke up by vibration in an aircraft, they stopped fuel flow through the fuel lines, so the pilot and crew had to walk home.

The oil barons drill to test quality, using speculators' money, find the hydrocarbons they knew were there, declare the finds uneconomical, cap the wells, and sit back as the share values plummet to zilch, and then they buy them up.  The oil barons never relinquished one oil lease that they declared not viable because they knew they could go there any time and get the oil we paid to find.

At the Brae B, in the North Sea, th
ey went too deep on one of the first production wells and hit a reservoir of geo-pressured gas.  The pressure was so great it started lifting fifteen thousand feet of drill pipe, drill mud, and a drill stem nearly three miles long. There is so much methane in the earth that they wanted to AVOID hitting this deep reservoir. At that time it was considered just too dangerous to exploit. That has now changed thanks to the Russian technology. HUGE FINDS. It is estimated that there is more oil and gas in Alaska and offshore of Alaska than in all of Saudi Arabia. Similarly, there is more oil and gas in Alberta, than in Saudi Arabia.  Similar reservoirs exist off the California coast, the Florida, Mexico, the South China Sea and the Great Rift Valley in the horn of Africa. Why do you think we sent the army into Somalia?  It wasn't the media scam of "Nation Building" - just oil.

The Falklands Islands, sits on one of the largest concentrations of hydrocarbon fuels in the world. Do you really think the Brits killed all those in the Falklands war for God, the Queen and a bunch of sheep farmers?  Even more significant, do you think the Argentineans risked going to war with the UK because they wanted the Falkland Islands- a patch of barren real estate that is only suitable for sheep farming? - JUST OIL. In 1993 Anti-Australian bureaucrats and politicians defrauded the Australian people by transferring Australia's oil finds to Transnational Corporations (via Indonesia) by shonky treaties. Timor has no right to claim our oil either. There are two methods of settling boundaries between maritime nations. The first is the deep water line. This puts the boundary within a couple of hundred kilometres of the Timor coastline. All of the oil is on our continental shelf by International Law.  The second method is a complex computation of equidistant points from coast to coast. Our coastline is not Cape York, Arnhem Land, Darwin, WA, Broome etc. It is measured from Sabai (10 km off the New Guinea coast), Deliverance, Ashmore, Christmas Is, Cocos Island etc.  So all the oil and gas on the continental shelf, is ours and ......TIMOR HAS NO LEGAL GROUNDS TO CLAIM OUR OIL.  Ask your LOCAL Member to confirm this legal opinion, or give some source, that can be authenticated, for any other opinion.  The media would have us believe oil/energy productions has peaked. If that be so why is the QLD Government agree to selling our gas at 3c/ litre (fixed) for 25 years? The world is fighting over oil, not because we are running out, but because there is so much of it. It is not the shortage of oil that drives nations to war, but the desire to control it. Oil is power. That is one of the main reasons for Gulf War I and Gulf War II. HUGE RESERVES. In Australia, the North Rankin "A" platform was developed to exploit the Carnarvon basin which is just off the north-west coast near Karratha. When North Rankin was built it was the biggest gas platform in the world. For twenty years now it has been producing at the rate of 180 million c.f. of gasp/day., and 47,000 tons of condensate per day. It shows no sign of slowing down. This single platform provides all the natural gas fuel for the entire west coast of Australia. In addition, every year, this one platform produces seven million tons of liquefied natural Gas.  The LNG provides most of the gas energy requirements for Japan at three cents per litre.

Peter Odell of Rotterdam's famous Erasmus University points out that "since 1971, over 1,500 million barrels have been added to oil reserves. Over the same period only 800 million barrels were consumed. One can argue that the world has been 'running into oil' rather than "running out of oil'." According to Mr Fu, CNOOC's chairman, "our offshore prospects are just beginning. A promising area the size of two North Seas has yet to be explored."

Australia consumes 653,000 barrels a day (b/d), exports 325,000 b/d and imports 530,000 b/d. We sell our oil under contract at $6 - $10 per barrel and buy OPEC oil at $60 per barrel. Bass Strait oil is produced at $3per barrel. Yet we pay the OPEC price of $60, then the government adds 32cent/litre excise and 10% GST (on-top) and in some states there is a 10% state tax. In all the government-take is about 50c litre.


We export 523,000 barrels a day and import 530,000 barrels a day - a net import of 7,000 barrels a day - about what we need to import in heavy Arab crude for our lubrication oil and greases. What is the ratio of lube oil to petrol per week in your car?  Not one drop of imported crude oil goes to the petrol pumps around Australia.  So how can OPEC prices affect the price of our oil at the pump? It is a fair bet that the 523,000 we import, Australian crude is already distillate as it comes out of the ground.  It needs no refining. Like many crude oils it can be put, from the ground, straight into any diesel engine. The filter must be changed more often because there is some sediment. This is how the oil pumps operate in the desert - oil is cheaper than water. GAS IS UNLIMITED.  The reserves are so huge and so pressurised they are considered un-tappable. There is no secret where the huge reserves are and there is no need to search for oil. With modern technology the sub-stratas are known, mapped, and vetted.


The recent discovery of four billion cubic feet of natural gas in western Venezuela confirmed that it has the largest single reserve of oil in the world. In addition to the estimated 78 billion barrels of conventional oil reserves, there are 235 billion more barrels of heavy and extra heavy crude, known as Orimulsion, in the Rio Orinoco region. This means that Venezuela possesses under her soil nearly fifty percent of the total amount of oil in the entire Middle East
(Read the full article HERE)


Colin Mitchell