



This project is not yet complete
but contains about 90% of the
required material.

These notes are a result of many requests for details on how to become an electrician.
Becoming and ELECTRICIAN, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, LINESMAN or anything in the electrical trade will provide you with a lifetime of employment. you with a lifetime of employment.
Worldwide electrical requirement is expanding at 5% per year.

How to become one?

You just need to know the basics of electricity and gain the skills in making a good job of any project.
But most important is to avoid mistakes.

These notes are just a starting-point.
You need the practical skills to prove your capabilities. That's why you will get ON THE JOB.

These notes will help you understand your LECTURE NOTES when you undertake a course of study and after reading them you will be able to apply for an apprenticeship with a basic understanding of what is involved in the job. It's the STARTING POINT.

Here is a list of Chapters:
Chapter 1: How to Start
Chapter 2: Safety
Chapter 3: Wiring
Chapter 4: The Fuse Box
Chapter 5: Fault Finding
Chapter 6: Mains Tracer Project 
- detects the 50Hz
Chapter 7: Cable Tracer Project  - uses an FM radio

Chapter 8: Wiring an Alarm

Flat blade screwdriver  xxx mm wide
Small flat blade screwdriver    xx mm  wide
Philips screwdriver   xx mm shaft
Pliers with side-cutting facility
Strong magnet - use a "rare-earth" magnet
Spirit Level for making sure power points are level
Low-cost ANALOGUE MULTIMETER  $10.00 on eBay
Soldering Iron and solder to make earth connections (if you don't want to use 30-Amp connectors)
Notepad and pencil to record the wiring diagram
Black Marker Pen to write "A" on the ends of the cables

Fault-Finding Equipment you will need:
25VA to 250VA Isolating Transformer
Mains Tracer
Cable Tracer
FM radio

